Main Page / Participants / Requirements for the abstracts
General information
Abstracts should correspond to one of the directions of the scientific program of the conference
The publisher formats the text independently, but the authors need to focus on the example of the abstracts. The volume of abstracts is not more than 9000 symbols.
The texts will be published in the author's edition. We publish it in its original form without any corrections. You have to take into account this point
We do not conduct an expert assessment of the abstracts for the novelty and validity of the results. The author assumes all risks if he misleads the participants of the conference. The author is responsible for the reliability of the literature used by him.
The author, as a representative of the organization, follows the corporate rules for the dissemination of information of limited use and their open publication
The file that contain abstracts should have a title in accordance with the author's full name.